Our challenges
According to the data from the World Health Organization, 25% of couples worldwide experience infertility. It is approximately 90 million couples, and this number rises by 8-9% annually.
Within the recent 30 years, the typical age of the first pregnancy has also increased by 8 years. This means that in developed countries, the decision of having the first child overlaps with a sudden drop in the AMH hormone level, which is responsible for the ovarian reserve. This hormone drastically decreases in women older than 30. Then, a reduction in the fertility can also be observed, and the risk of failing to become pregnant while trying for a year increases from 5% (20–25 years) up to 30% (35–38 years).
In addition, the data of the Polish Gynecologic Association show that the infertility issue is also affecting approx. 1.5 million couples every year. According to the GUS’s (Central Statistical Office) demographic forecasts, by the end of 2050, the population of Poland will reach 34 million people, which, compared to 2013, means a reduction in the population by 4.55 million, namely by 12 percent
Is affected by infertility (intercourses without contraception exceeding 12 months)
29 years AVERAGE AGE
of giving birth to the first child. Since 1990s, the average age has increased by about 7 years
At this age, women’s ovarian reserve (AMH) starts to drastically decrease
What do couples currently
use to verify an ovulation window?
Physical exam
Currently, the only effective way of determining ovulation is a
USG examination, which is unpleasant and stressful. This involves visiting a gynecologist, and monitoring the cycle,
and making USG tests systematically,
for 3 to 6 months, until becoming pregnant.
The monthly cost ranges from PLN 750 up to PLN 1250.
Another way is using applications that support
pregnancy planning. The vast majority of the applications is based solely on the body temperature, or on daily records of symptoms.
In spite of being time-consuming and their insufficient effectiveness, more than 600 million women use them, and the monthly cost reaches even PLN 130.
Supporting applications market
forecasting fertile days
600 mln USD
Market Size
Today, the global market of the fertility forecasting applications is worth USD 600 million (acc. to the Global Fertility Tracking Apps)
The size of the global women health applications market has been evaluated at USD 1.0 billion in 2018. And it is estimated that it will reach CAGR at a level of 17.9%.
Our solution
Bambino uses a method that is innovative worldwide of reading the galvanic reaction of the skin using a smart band, which, in combination with advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, estimates the time when ovulation starts. This way, a woman can easily know her cycle better, and also predict with an accuracy higher than 90% the best moment for getting pregnant.
As compared to competitors existing on the market, it is a huge step forward. In addition, the method has been reviewed and examined clinically. As an original solution, it has been covered by patent protection.
Doctor’s Opinion
Joanna Tkaczuk Włach M.D., a gynecologist –
obstetrician, a gynecological endocrinologist and a reproduction specialist
Trying to have a child happens to be very stressful for couples, especially for women, which, paradoxically, hinders this process and slows it down.
We can avoid this by using the Bambino.ai+ application.
At this moment, we can predict one’s ovulation with 90% accuracy,
namely the best moment for getting pregnant, and all this without interfering with the woman’s natural rhythm.
It is a significant step forward, and a great help for married couples who are trying to have a child.
Q4 2021
Premium Version
Market Release Market
Q2 2021
Q2 2021
Finishing the Application –
extending the application by additional modules (statistics, knowledge base, and others)
Q1 2021
Artificial Intelligence Development – supporting the artificial intelligence with data obtained after the clinical tests
Q1 2021
clinical tests –
testing the application in clinical conditions
Q4 2020
Designing the algorithms and neural network – creating artificial intelligence algorithms, and a neural network to correlate the skin’s electrical resistance and ovulation predicted by physicians
Q3 2020
Data preparation – diagnostics and collecting data necessary to design the algorithms
Q3 2020
Connecting the physician and the patient – combining the patient’s application with the physician’s application, so the information added is accessible for both parties on a current basis
Q1 2020
Commencing the works on the application – commencing diagnostic works on the Bambino
Q4 2019
Application for physicians – Commencing works on creating an application for physicians
Q2 2019
project launch – Obtaining a grant from RPO Mazowsze
Artificial intelligence – Verifying the possibility of using artificial intelligence to analyze the data collected
POC related to equipment. Measuring electrical resistance with available devices relative to the benchmark device
Building a team – the first studies by the interdisciplinary team
Correlating skin resistance and stress – Confirmation by the Nokia Research Center of the direct link between the woman’s skin electrical resistance and stress
Discovery of correlation – the first mention about the correlation between ovulation and the skin electrical resistance
Discovery of correlation – the first mention about the correlation between ovulation and the skin electrical resistance
Resistance in women and men – Discovery of the fact by F. Jolly that the resistance value of a woman’s body is 30% higher than that of a man Contact us Start cooperation
Q4 2021
Premium Version
Market Release Market
Q2 2021
Q2 2021
Finishing the Application – extending the application by additional modules (statistics, knowledge base, and others)
Q1 2021
Artificial Intelligence Development – supporting the artificial intelligence with data obtained after the clinical tests
Q1 2021
clinical tests –
testing the application in clinical conditions
Q4 2020
Designing the algorithms and neural network – creating artificial intelligence algorithms, and a neural network to correlate the skin’s electrical resistance and ovulation predicted by physicians
Q3 2020
Data preparation –
diagnostics and collecting data necessary to design the algorithms
Q3 2020
Connecting the physician and the patient – combining the patient’s application with the physician’s application, so the information added is accessible for both parties on a current basis
Q1 2020
Commencing the works on the application – commencing diagnostic works on the Bambino
Q4 2019
Application for physicians –
Commencing works on creating an application for physicians
Q2 2019
project launch – Obtaining a grant from RPO Mazowsze
Artificial intelligence – Verifying the possibility of using artificial intelligence to analyze the data collected
POC related to equipment. Measuring electrical resistance with available devices relative to the benchmark device
Building a team –
the first studies by the interdisciplinary team
Correlating skin resistance and stress – Confirmation by the Nokia Research Center of the direct link between the woman’s skin electrical resistance and stress
Discovery of correlation –
the first mention about the correlation between ovulation and the skin electrical resistance
Changes in body resistance – Estimation by W.H Stone of changes in the body resistance values between a hand and a leg from 900 up to 100 k
Resistance in women and men – Discovery of the fact by F. Jolly that the resistance value of a woman’s body is 30% higher than that of a man
Contact us
Start cooperation